Article Index

Administrative activities


2005/2011 responsabile for the university classrooms on the Campus of Treviso, faculty of Foreign Languages and Littérature, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


2011/2012 deputy head of the Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


01/10/2012-01/10/2013 deputy principal of the faculty of Modern Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since 01/10/2013 dean of the faculty of Modern Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Currently, member of the committee for the use and the distribution of private financial ressources, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Currently, member of the committee to valuate european scientific projects, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.