Public Libraries Special Offer
Libraries are allowed to send text extracts from scientific literature in electronic form to end users and students until the end of May:
Libraries are allowed to send text extracts from scientific literature in electronic form to end users and students until the end of May:
Recently quite a lot of people have been wondering how they can embed videos into their OLAT courses i.e. to allow students to watch videos directly in OLAT although they are hosted on other platforms. In order to address that we have created a short tutorial for you. Currently the tutorial is only available in german, an English Version is following soon. As always share and criticize!
Nicolas Lamoure has recently created a Presentation on how to create Screencasts. The presentation is available as both Screencast and Power Point. Here is the abstract:
In this presentation I will introduce and compare three different possibilities to create Screencasts. In fact, it is possible to create Screencasts without the need to install any new software; however, the functional rage is limited in that case. The free Software O(pen) B(roadcaster) S(oftware) is availale for many operating sytems and without any major limitations. This presentation does not include any detailled introductions to how to produce screencasts with the different tools considered. My goal is rather to provide an overview and to encourage you to try out the different tools. Detailed instructions can be provided later on, if needed.
Ich stelle in dieser Präsentation drei verschiedene Möglichkeiten vor, sogenannte Screencasts zu erstellen und vergleiche diese miteinander. Zwar können Screencasts ohne die Installation von Zusatzsoftware erstellt werden, jedoch ist der Funktionsumfang limitiert. Die freie Software O(pen) B(roadcaster) S(oftware) ist für eine Reihe an Betriebssystemen erhältlich und enthält praktisch keinerlei relevanten Limitierungen. Diese Präsentation enthält keine detaillierten Anleitung wie ein Screencast mit den jeweiligen Tools erstellt werden kann. Zweck ist es, den Lehrenden eine grobe Orientierung zu erlauben und Sie in die Lage zu versetzen, mit den vorgestellten Werkzeugen zu experimentieren. Eine detaillierte Anleitung folgt bei Bedarf.
Since all the libraries have been closed, we will list legal options to obtain (mostly academic) books for free: