Here you can find a list of all my scientific publications, research projetcs, given presentations and organized conferences.




My latest publications


  • Franco, I., Keller, O., Mensching, G., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Additive and aspectual anche in Old Italian’, in J. Berns, H. Jacobs and D. Nouveau (eds.), Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13: Selected papers from ‘Going Romance’ 29, Nijmegen [Romance Languages and Linguistic Theory 13]. Amsterdam & Philadelphia: John Benjamins, 127–142.


  • Caloi, I., Belletti, A., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Multilingual Competence Influences Answering Strategies in Italian–German Speakers’, Frontiers in Psychology. Publication available at:


  • Poletto, C., and A. Tomaselli (2018). ‘Grammatische Konvergenz. Entwicklungspfade deutscher Sprachinseln im Nordosten Italiens’, in S. Rabanus (ed.), Deutsch als Minderheitensprache in Italien. Theorie und Empirie kontaktinduzierten Sprachwandels [Germanistische Linguistik 239-40]. Hildesheim u.a.: Olms, 117-143.


  • Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Exploiting microvariation: How to make the best of your incomplete data’, Glossa 3(1): 1-21.


  • Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Sintassi formale e micro-tipologia della negazione nei dialetti italiani’, in J. Brincat and S. Caruana (eds.), Tipologia e ‘dintorni’: il metodo tipologico alla intersezione di piani. Roma: Bulzoni, 83-102.


  • Garzonio, J., and C. Poletto (2018). ‘The distribution of quantifiers in Old and Modern Italian: Everything or nothing’, in A. Maria Martins and A. Cardoso (eds.), Word Order Change. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 221-239.


  • Sanfelici E. and C. Poletto (2018). ‘Demonstratives as relative pronouns: new insight from Italian varieties’, in C. Marco et al. (eds.), Atypical demonstratives. Syntax, Semantics, and Pragmatics [Linguistische Arbeiten 568]. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 95- 126.


  • Poletto, C., and Michèle Oliviéri (2018). ‘Negation patterns across dialects’, in M. Grimaldi et al. (eds.), Structuring Variation in Romance Linguistics and Beyond: In honour of Leonardo M. Savoia [Linguistik Aktuell/Linguistics Today 252]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 133–148.


  • Poletto, C., and E. Sanfelici (2018). ‘On relative complementizers and relative pronouns’, in J. Garzonio and S. Rossi (eds.), Variation in C: Comparative approaches to the Complementizer Phrase [Linguistic Variation 18:2]. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 265–298.