Article Index

Titles and professional experience


01/09/1983-01/09/1993 tenured elementary school teacher (teaching of the Englisch language, experimental project “Ianua Linguarum”).


01/09/1993-15/06/1994 tenured secondary school teacher of the German language.


1992-1994 collaboration on the research project number 3, “Sintassi dei dialetti italiani settentrionali”, Research Center for Italian Dialectology (“O. Parlangèli”) of the C.N.R under the direction of Laura Vanelli.


Since 16/06/1994 contract ex. art. 23, “O. Research Center for Italian Dialectology (“O. Parlangéli”) of Padua.


Since 01/11/1996 tenured researcher at the Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del CNR (former O. Parlangèli -Reserach Centre for Italian Dialectology of Padua), responsible for the line of research number 13 about the study of synchronic and diachronic syntax of Italian dialects.


Since 01/09/2005 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, teaching: Bachelors’s degree programm Linguistic and Cultural Mediation (former degree programm in Translation and Interpretation English-Spanish), responsable for the division of the English language, member of the teaching staff, responsable for the working ours. Currently, teaching abroad at university for a definite period of time.


01/09/2010 was offered a W2-professorship at the Freie Universität of Berlin (refused).


Since 01/03/2011 W2-Professor, Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


23/10/2012 was offered a W3-professorship at the University of Konstanz (refused).


2013 attained the abilitation.


Since 01/01/2013 W3-Professor ordinarius, Department of Romance Literatures and Languages,

Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since 01/02/2016 Professor ordinarius, Department of Langue and Literature, University of Padua.