Here you can find a list with all my scientific publications:

Cecilia Poletto (born in Venice; 17th August 1962) is full Professor in the Department of Linguistic and Literary Studies at the University of Padua (part-time) and full Professor of Italian and French linguistics at the institute for Romance studies at the University of Frankfurt am Main (part-time). She is also an associate member at the Institute of cognitive sciences and technologies - ISTC - (Padua). Her research interests include formal morphosyntax of Romance varieties, in particular the Italian and French ones, also non-standardized. She was a founder member of the ASIT project (Atlante Sintattico d’Italia, Syntactic Atlas of Italy) and she directed for many years the line of research of the ISTC of the National Research Council (CNR) about the dialectal variation. Until now she has directed 5 research projects funded by the DFG (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, German Research Foundation) and one European research project Marie Curie, she directed for six years an exchange project CNR/CNRS with the unit 7013 of the French CNRS of Paris VII. She was also a board member of various European projects: Scandiasyn about the syntax of Scandinavian dialects, Eurosyn (European dialect syntax). She is in the editorial committee of the following journals: JIL (Journal of Italian Linguistics), LIV (Linguistic Variation), Quaderni di Lavoro dell’Atlante Sintattico d´Italia (ASIt working papers), Historical Syntax. She is currently a member at the steering committee for the graduate school in linguistic, phonological and literary studies of the University of Padua, in charge of the Master in Linguistics and a member of the DFG steering committee “Nominal modification” of the Goethe University Frankfurt.

Selected publications:

  1. Caloi, I. Belletti, A. and C. Poletto (2018). Multilingual Competence Influences Answering Strategies in Italian–German Speakers. Frontiers in Psychology, 1-14. Article available at:
  2. Jacopo Garzonio, Cecilia Poletto (2018). Exploiting microvariation: How to make the best of your incomplete data. GLOSSA, vol. 3, p. 1-21.
  3. Poletto, Cecilia and Emanuela Sanfelici (2018). On relative complementizers and relative pronouns. In: Variation in C: Comparative approaches to the Complementizer Phrase, Edited by Jacopo Garzonio and Silvia Rossi, pp. 265–298. Linguistic Variation 18(2).
  4. Poletto, C. and A. Tomaselli (2018). Grammatische Konvergenz. Entwicklungspfade deutscher Sprachinseln im Nordosten Italiens. In: Deutsch als Minderheitensprache in Italien. Theorie und Empirie kontaktinduzierten Sprachwandels. Olms. 117-143.
  5. Poletto, C. (2014). Word Order in Old Italian. Oxford & New York: Oxford University Press.


01/07/1986 degree in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Venice, graduated at the top of her class, dissertation in comparative syntax between German, English and Italian about the syntax of cleft sentences, advisor: Guglielmo Cinque.


16/06/1986 achieved the Certificate of Proficiency in English at the Oxford School.


July 1990 obtained the Certificate of specialisation in Linguistics at the University of Geneva.


29/09/1993 Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Padova, dissertation title: “La sintassi del soggetto nei dialetti italiani settentrionali”.


Studies abroad

1984/1985 obtained the German certificate Oberstufe at the University of Frankfurt am Main.


1986/1987 spent a year at the University of Frankfurt am Main, Department of Linguistics under the direction of Günther Grewendorf where she continued her studies in comparative grammar, recognition of the Italian academic diploma as equivalent to a diploma of the unversity mentioned above.


1989/1990 spent a year at the University of Geneva, Department of Linguistics where she increased her knowledge about formal syntax and obtained her Certificate of specialisation in Linguistics, dissertation about the syntax of pronouns in certain Venetian and Friulian variations under the direction of Luigi Rizzi.


Titles and professional experience

01/09/1983-01/09/1993 tenured elementary school teacher (teaching of the English language, experimental project “Ianua Linguarum”).


01/09/1993-15/06/1994 tenured secondary school teacher of the German language.


1992-1994 collaboration on the research project number 3, “Sintassi dei dialetti italiani settentrionali”, Research Center for Italian Dialectology (“O. Parlangèli”) of the C.N.R under the direction of Laura Vanelli.


Since 16/06/1994 contract ex. art. 23, “O. Research Center for Italian Dialectology (“O. Parlangéli”) of Padua.


Since 01/11/1996 tenured researcher at the Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del CNR (former O. Parlangèli -Reserach Centre for Italian Dialectology of Padua), responsible for the line of research number 13 about the study of synchronic and diachronic syntax of Italian dialects.


Since 01/09/2005 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, teaching: Bachelors’s degree program Linguistic and Cultural Mediation (former degree program in Translation and Interpretation English-Spanish), responsable for the division of the English language, member of the teaching staff, responsable for the working ours. Currently, teaching abroad at university for a definite period of time.


01/09/2010 was offered a W2-professorship at the Freie Universität of Berlin (refused).


Since 01/03/2011 W2-Professor, Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


23/10/2012 was offered a W3-professorship at the University of Konstanz (refused).


2013 attained the abilitation.


Since 01/01/2013 W3-Professor ordinarius, Department of Romance Literatures and Languages,

Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since 01/02/2016 Professor ordinarius, Department of Langue and Literature, University of Padua.

Administrative activities

2005/2011 responsabile for the university classrooms on the Campus of Treviso, faculty of Foreign Languages and Literature, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


2011/2012 deputy head of the Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


01/10/2012-01/10/2013 deputy principal of the faculty of Modern Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since 01/10/2013 dean of the faculty of Modern Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Currently, member of the committee for the use and the distribution of private financial ressources, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Currently, member of the committee to valuate european scientific projects, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Teaching experience

June-July 1993 presents a course in Linguistics about “Sintassi dei dialetti italiani settentrionali”, University of Girona.


1994/1995 provides Continuing Education as part of an organized scientific seminar for researchers of the Center for Italian Dialectology, Ph.D. students and professors of the Department in Lingustics, University of Padua.


1997/1998 course about theoretical syntax for the diploma of specialization in Linguistics, University of Rome III.


Since 15/09/1997 cultrice della materia of the Ladin Linguistcs, Department of Linguistics, University of Padua.


Since academic year (AY) 2000/2001 member of the teaching stuff of the Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Padua.


AY 1999/2000 master’s courses in Linguistics about Dialectology, University of Venice.


Since AY 2000/2001 course about Elements of Syntax (Master’s Degree Programm, Didattica dell’Italiano come L2), University of Padua.


Since AY 1999/2000 collaboration with the organization of the ASIS seminar for Ph.D. students (Dipartimento di Discipline linguistiche, comunicative e dello spettacolo), University of Padua.


Since school year (SY) 2001-2002 cycle training courses for elementary and secondary school teachers, project "Le nostre radici" of the Veneto Region.


AY 2002/2003 associate professor, General Linguistics (3 modules), Glottologia (1 module), Ca' Foscari University of Venice.


SY 2002/2003 provides Continuing Education for elementary and secondary school teachers, organized by the Veneto Region.


AY 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 associate professor, German language, University of Verona.


AY 2003/2004 associate professor, Glottologia, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, advisor (still today) of various graduate theses.


Since AY 2005/2006 courses in General Linguistics, English language (I, II, III), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


Since AY 20011/2012 Linguistics of Romance languages, Dialectology, French and Italian Linguistics, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since AY 2013/14 responsible for the Master’s Degree Programme Romanistische Linguistik (Romance Linguistics), Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Summer Schools

Teacher for doctoral courses at the following summer schools: Summer School Girona 1993; Summer School Rome 1995; EGG (Eastern Generative Grammar) Bratislava 2005; GLOW (Generative Linguistics Old World) Stoccarda 2006; LOT (Netherlands Graduate School Linguistics) Tilburg 2012, Spirit Summer School 2015 Göttingen.



01/07/1986 degree in Foreign Languages and Literature at the University of Venice, graduated at the top of her class, dissertation in comparative syntax between German, English and Italian about the syntax of cleft sentences, advisor: Guglielmo Cinque.


16/06/1986 achieved the Certificate of Proficiency in English at the Oxford School.


July 1990 obtained the Certificate of specialisation in Linguistics at the University of Geneva.


29/09/1993 Ph.D., Linguistics, University of Padova, dissertation title: “La sintassi del soggetto nei dialetti italiani settentrionali”.


Studies abroad


1984/1985 obtained the German certificate Oberstufe at the University of Frankfurt am Main.


1986/1987 spent a year at the University of Frankfurt am Main, Department of Linguistics under the direction of Günther Grewendorf where she continued her studies in comparative grammar, recognition of the Italian academic diploma as equivalent to a diploma of the unversity mentioned above.


1989/1990 spent a year at the University of Geneva, Department of Linguistics where she increased her knowledge about formal syntax and obtained her Certificate of specialisation in Linguistics, dissertation about the syntax of pronouns in certain Venetian and Friulian variations under the direction of Luigi Rizzi.


Titles and professional experience


01/09/1983-01/09/1993 tenured elementary school teacher (teaching of the Englisch language, experimental project “Ianua Linguarum”).


01/09/1993-15/06/1994 tenured secondary school teacher of the German language.


1992-1994 collaboration on the research project number 3, “Sintassi dei dialetti italiani settentrionali”, Research Center for Italian Dialectology (“O. Parlangèli”) of the C.N.R under the direction of Laura Vanelli.


Since 16/06/1994 contract ex. art. 23, “O. Research Center for Italian Dialectology (“O. Parlangéli”) of Padua.


Since 01/11/1996 tenured researcher at the Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione del CNR (former O. Parlangèli -Reserach Centre for Italian Dialectology of Padua), responsible for the line of research number 13 about the study of synchronic and diachronic syntax of Italian dialects.


Since 01/09/2005 Associate Professor, Department of Linguistics, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice, teaching: Bachelors’s degree programm Linguistic and Cultural Mediation (former degree programm in Translation and Interpretation English-Spanish), responsable for the division of the English language, member of the teaching staff, responsable for the working ours. Currently, teaching abroad at university for a definite period of time.


01/09/2010 was offered a W2-professorship at the Freie Universität of Berlin (refused).


Since 01/03/2011 W2-Professor, Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


23/10/2012 was offered a W3-professorship at the University of Konstanz (refused).


2013 attained the abilitation.


Since 01/01/2013 W3-Professor ordinarius, Department of Romance Literatures and Languages,

Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since 01/02/2016 Professor ordinarius, Department of Langue and Literature, University of Padua.

Administrative activities


2005/2011 responsabile for the university classrooms on the Campus of Treviso, faculty of Foreign Languages and Littérature, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


2011/2012 deputy head of the Department of Romance Literatures and Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


01/10/2012-01/10/2013 deputy principal of the faculty of Modern Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since 01/10/2013 dean of the faculty of Modern Languages, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Currently, member of the committee for the use and the distribution of private financial ressources, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Currently, member of the committee to valuate european scientific projects, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Teaching experience


June-July 1993 presents a course in Linguistics about “Sintassi dei dialetti italiani settentrionali”, University of Girona.


1994/1995 provides Continuing Education as part of an organized scientific seminar for researchers of the Center for Italian Dialectology, Ph.D. students and professors of the Department in Lingustics, University of Padua.


1997/1998 course about theoretical sintax for the diploma of specialization in Linguistics, University of Rome III.


Since 15/09/1997 cultrice della materia of the Ladin Linguistcs, Department of Linguistics, University of Padua.


Since academic year (AY) 2000/2001 member of the teaching stuff of the Ph.D. in Linguistics, University of Padua.


AY 1999/2000 master’s courses in Linguistics about Dialectology, University of Venice.


Since AY 2000/2001 course about Elements of Syntax (Master’s Degree Programm, Didattica dell’Italiano come L2), University of Padua.


Since AY 1999/2000 collaboration with the organization of the ASIS seminar for Ph.D. students (Dipartimento di Discipline linguistiche, comunicative e dello spettacolo), University of Padua.


Since school year (SY) 2001-2002 cycle training courses for elementary and secondary school teachers, project "Le nostre radici" of the Veneto Region.


AY 2002/2003 associate professor, General Linguistics (3 modules), Glottologia (1 module), Ca' Foscari University of Venice.


SY 2002/2003 provides Continuing Education for elementary and secondary school teachers, organized by the Veneto Region.


AY 2003/2004 and 2004/2005 associate professor, German language, University of Verona.

incarico con contratto per il Corso di Lingua Tedesca I presso l’University of Verona.


AY 2003/2004 associate professor, Glottologia, Ca' Foscari University of Venice, advisor (still today) of various graduate theses.


Since AY 2005/2006 courses in General Linguistics, English language (I, II, III), Ca’ Foscari University of Venice.


Since AY 20011/2012 Linguistics of Romance languages, Dialectology, French and Italian Linguistics, Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Since AY 2013/14 responsible for the Master’s Degree Programme Romanistische Linguistik (Romance Linguistics), Goethe-Universität of Frankfurt am Main.


Summer Schools


Teacher for doctoral courses at the following summer schools: Summer School Girona 1993; Summer School Rome 1995; EGG (Eastern Generative Grammar) Bratislava 2005; GLOW (Generative Linguistics Old World) Stoccarda 2006; LOT (Netherlands Graduate School Linguistics) Tilburg 2012, Spirit Summer School 2015 Göttingen.